Friday, January 28, 2011



What lense of perception are you using? I used to think perception is everything. When some study I realize that perception however neutral or unbiased is still self oriented.

Of course we see what we want to see and perceive with our mind and memory. For a moment leave all perception, concept and mind aside. Leave yourself behind or aside. Empty all knowledge, wisdom or self-cherishing ideas.

This the state of deep sleep. We are unconscious but wait – we just don’t remember (memory is fallible always). There is awareness (heart still beat, lungs still work, nails still grow … etc) but we simply can’t recall or remember. It’s beyond subconsciousness. Awareness has always been there even before birth and after death. Awareness is impersonal.

If our  perception are always self-induced and self-biased as in thinking, we could learn how to turn it off or on whenever the stress level is not needed. To step into another’s consciousness we need to experience the super-conscious. A selfless, perceptionless person can do it.

Letting go of all ideas about self, we witness things as they are – no more no less. When we see a car. As soon as we label it as a “car” we have started “perceiving” – simply see and experience as it is. Try. It would be crystal clear with practice.

As soon as its personal it falls into the category of consciousness (waking, sleeping and dreaming). Start differentiating these stages and be aware.

Edward De Bono talks about “po” neither right nor wrong. Sounds inconsistent. In view of ever changing context, it is “not always so”.

In the words of my original Poker room Manager when sorting out disputes. Keith Sloane used to say “ yes, u are right and … (to the other party) – u r also right …” – A typical win – win situation. Disgression is easy if one see things in clarity and charity.